Reciprocal Agreements

The University of Alberta Library has entered into reciprocal borrowing agreements as part of the following agreements. These agreements allow affiliates of member institutions to visit and borrow materials from each other's libraries.

CURBA (Canadian University Reciprocal Borrowing Agreement)

  • Participants: COPPUL (Council of Prairie and Pacific University Libraries), OCUL (Ontario Council of University Libraries), CAUL (Council of Atlantic University Libraries) and BCI (Bureau de Coopération Interuniversitaire).
  • Open to students and faculty
  • University of Alberta researchers and students: Before your visit to another CURBA member library, request a COPPUL Card at any U of A Library Service Desk. Present this card at the CURBA library you visit.

OCLC Reciprocal Faculty Borrowing Program

  • Open to faculty members only
  • A list of participating US libraries is available here
  • Faculty planning on visiting one of these libraries should obtain a Reciprocal Faculty Borrowing Program Card by contacting the Interlibrary Loans/Document Delivery Office, 1-110 Rutherford Library or

Borrowing policies for visitors (borrowing periods, fines, renewals, etc) will vary from institution to institution. Please ensure you are aware of applicable policies. Contact the Library if you need assistance in locating pertinent information regarding visitors for specific institutions.

CURBA and OCLC card holders who are visiting the University of Alberta Library may borrow from the University of Alberta Library and NEOS Libraries collections.

Access to University of Alberta Library Online Resources

Visitors to the University of Alberta Library may access library licensed online resources such as databases or eBooks on-site only, from a library computer terminal or using the wireless network on your laptop (UWS). To access these resources, visit a library service desk to obtain a temporary (daily) Library Network Access ID. You will be asked to present your photo ID (eg. driver's license).

Library Privileges & Responsibilities

Use of the University of Alberta Library is a privilege with associated responsibilities for all clients. Within the parameters of the policies, no user should be unduly disadvantaged through the use or abuse of the library by another client, whatever client group.

Community Expectations

(version française)