Study + Work Space Policies

The Library is a place for learning. People need quiet places to learn and work as well as spaces for group learning and collaboration. The Library is also a centre for teaching, where library staff instruct individuals and groups in the use of information resources and materials. To create an environment that meets the study and work needs of our community, we have established zones in the library to suit varying types of study:

Intended to serve as silent, individual study space for readers and students who need to concentrate.

  • No conversation
  • No food
  • Cell phone on silent
  • Electronics need earphones with sound on low

Intended to serve as quiet space for readers and students. In these zones only low-level talking is permitted.

  • Whispered conversation
  • Only cold snack foods and beverages in closed containers permitted. No hot/aromatic food permitted.
  • Cell phone on vibrate
  • Electronics need earphones

Usually busy with high traffic levels. Intended as group study areas and/or instructional areas and include library service desk areas. Conversational noise is to be expected.

  • Group conversation
  • Only cold snack foods and beverages in closed containers permitted. No hot/aromatic food permitted.
  • Cell phone on vibrate
  • Electronics need earphones

Each library location also has a study area directory and signage indicating designated areas. Please consult the Study Area Directory + Noise Zones for designated areas and Book Study Space.

Appropriate Access + Use

  • Please do not leave your belongings to “claim" a workspace or computer workstation. Unclaimed belongings may be moved to the Library Service Desk by library staff to make room for other library users.
  • Never leave valuables unattended. Visit the Theft Prevention webpage from U of A Protective Services for more information.
  • For further appropriate use of the library, please see Community Expectations at the University of Alberta Library.

Cell Phones + Electronic Devices

  • Please turn off the ringer or volume on cell phones and other electronic devices when you enter the library. Please use cell phones only outside of study and work areas, in locations such as library foyers. Laptop computers are welcome in all study areas.
  • In consideration of other library users, we ask that you respect these library study area designations and noise level expectations, and modify your level of conversation and activity accordingly.

Listening to Music, Video, etc

  • All electronics, including public computers, laptops, and personal devices, must either be muted or used with earphones adjusted to a low volume.

Food and Beverages

Vending, Soliciting, Posting Materials, Photography + Filming

  • Library users are asked to refrain from vending, peddling, soliciting or petitioning in the Library.
  • Prior consent must be obtained before you may post or distribute any materials in the Library.
  • Prior consent must be obtained before you may take organized or posed photographs in the Library. Wedding photos are not permitted.
  • Filming on our campuses, including in the Library, must be approved by University of Alberta External Relations.