Study Area Directory + Noise Zones
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Augustana Library | Bibliothèque Saint-Jean | Cameron Library | Sperber Library | Rutherford Library | Weir Library
To create an environment that meets the study and work needs of our campus community we have established noise level zones in the libraries to suit varying types of study:

Intended to serve as silent, individual study space for readers and students who need to concentrate.
- No conversation
- No food
- Cell phone on silent
- Electronics need earphones with sound on low

Intended to serve as quiet space for readers and students. In these zones only low-level talking is permitted.
- Whispered conversation
- Only cold snack foods and beverages in closed containers permitted. No hot/aromatic food permitted.
- Cell phone on vibrate
- Electronics need earphones

Usually busy with high traffic levels. Intended as group study areas and/or instructional areas and include library service desk areas. Conversational noise is to be expected.
- Group conversation
- Only cold snack foods and beverages in closed containers permitted. No hot/aromatic food permitted.
- Cell phone on vibrate
- Electronics need earphones
Augustana Library
- Collaborative Zone: Main Floor
- Quiet Zone: Lower Level
Augustana Library has a variety of tables, chairs, and soft seating near power outlets. Augustana Library also has 40 computer workstations and access to UWS wireless service. Additionally, study spaces are available to book online.
Bibliothèque Saint-Jean
- Aires publiques : Près des points de service (comptoir d’accueil et imprimante)
- Aires tranquilles : Isoloirs et tables des collections générales et pédagogiques
Nous disposons de 6 ordinateurs équipés de Windows office et Antidote 9 et de 48 isoloirs (2 avec bureaux ajustables). Plusieurs grandes tables sont également mises à la disposition des étudiants. Cinq salles d'étude en groupe pouvant aisément accueillir entre 2 à 6 personnes sont équipées de tables et de tableaux blancs. Les salles 1-12F et 1-12H sont équipé avec un écran LCD mural. Ces salles doivent être réservées sur Book study space. Il y a 1 salle d'étude silencieuse.
- Collaborative Zone: Main floor service areas
- Quiet Zone: Main floor study carrels and tables
There are 48 study carrels (2 with adjustable desks) located in the library. We also offer five group study rooms which can comfortably accommodate 2 to 6 people. Salle 1-12F and 1-12H have a wall-mounted LCD screen. Advanced booking is required for these study spaces. There is also a silent study room.
Cameron, Science + Engineering Library
- Collaborative Zone: Main Floor, 2nd Floor (Common Area)
- Quiet Zone: Knowledge Common and Study Hall (Basement)
- Silent Zone: 3rd Floor, 4th Floor
There are over 350 computers with the entire building providing UWS wireless service. Cameron Library offers table seating with plug-ins, individual and group workstations, quiet study carrels, bookable group study and presentation preparation rooms with computers and LCD displays, and a comfortable soft seating area for studying or relaxing.
Rutherford, Humanities, Social Sciences, + Education Library
Rutherford North
- Collaborative Zone: Main Floor, 2nd Floor, 4th Floor
- Quiet Zone: 3rd Floor (Note that Room 3-112 is a silent study room)
- Silent Zone: 5th Floor, Room 3-112 on the 3rd Floor
- Family Corner: 3rd Floor (OneCard Access once registered with the Dean of Students)
Studying + Computing:
- over 700 study spaces on 5 floors
- 30 laptop stations
- 110 Computing workstations
- Group Study Rooms
- 4 ONEcard printers
- Family Corner - child friendly space for Students and Staff who parent.
Rutherford South 2nd Floor
- Collaborative Zone: 2nd Floor Foyer
- Quiet Zone: 2nd Floor Reading Room
Studying + Computing:
- just under 500 study spaces
- 2 IST computer labs: 2-03 (35 workstations) and 2-05a (15 workstations)
Geoffrey + Robyn Sperber, Health Sciences Library
Collaborative Zone: Level 1
- East side, outside of the Teaching + Learning and Maker Labs
- Teaching and Learning Lab (if available)
- Maker Lab (if available)
- Entrance area by service desk and the stairs
Quiet Zone:
- Level 1: West side by the Indigenous Learning Space and Indigenous Healing Collection
- Lower Level: Around the stairs, leading up to the silent study space
Silent Zone: Lower Level
- Back half of the lower level starting at the RC 424.7 book stacks and study room L1-152A. This includes the south end's long hall. Look for the red Silent Zone signage.
Sperber Library offers table seating with electrical outlets as well as individual and group bookable study rooms. Group study rooms have monitors that connect to laptops; ask us at the service desk to borrow a remote control and connector cables.
J.A. Weir Memorial, Law Library
- Collaborative Zone: 2nd Floor entry (before the glass doors)
- Quiet Zone: 2nd Floor after the glass doors
- Silent Zone: 3rd Floor, including W-342E
The Law Library can seat over 400 people. Group study rooms may be booked online. The McLean Reading Room (designated for law student use only and managed by the Faculty of Law) on the third floor of the library seats 60 and has both electrical and network connections for each seat.