University of Alberta Library’s Family Corner
You must register with the Dean of Students to access the Family Corner!
Are you a parent or caregiver for little ones? Do you need a space on campus where you feel comfortable bringing your child in when you have to work or study or meet with colleagues and peers? Do you need a safe space for lactation and breastfeeding?
Welcome to the Family Corner!

The University of Alberta Library has partnered with Student Parents on Campus (SPOC), the Students’ Union, and the Dean of Students to create the Family Corner in Rutherford Library. The Family Corner is an accessible child-friendly space on the third floor of Rutherford Library (Room 3-114).
We have toys and books to entertain your littles, as well as a small kitchen area with a sink, kettle, bottle warmers and other equipment. The study stations have play pens close by, and are fully equipped with computers and study equipment. There is a conference table with chairs, as well as a comfortable seating and a stroller parking area. We also provide a clean, safe and private lactation/breastfeeding space. There are changing tables available in both washrooms.
The Family Corner is accessible to students and employees and their children through their ONEcard. To register your ONEcard, and get access to the space, complete the Access Request Form.
Access Request FormParents will attend to their children at all times and never leave children unattended.

Family Corner Code of Conduct
Please note that the Family Corner is not a childcare facility. We have no trained workers on site and the space is not supervised. Parents are required to be always present when their child(ren) are using the space. Please do not leave your child alone at any time.
We actively strive to create an environment that supports the health, safety and well-being of the parents and children who use this space.
Be Respectful
We are respectful of ourselves and other people and embrace our diversity. We are respectful of the ideas and feelings of others. We are respectful of the environment, equipment and materials.
Be Safe
We work and play safely to help keep ourselves and others from getting hurt.
Be Cooperative
We solve our problems by talking and listening to each other respectfully to find a solution. When we cannot solve a problem ourselves, we ask for help.
Be Supportive of Learning
We learn to the best of our abilities and support the learning of others.
Keep Our Space Clean
We collectively share this space and strive to keep it clean for ourselves, our children and others.
Appropriate Use of Technology
All children, parents, staff and others involved in our space must use e-mail, electronic devices and the Internet in accordance with university policies. This protects people’s privacy and the confidentiality of information.
In using this space we agree to the following:
- Parents will attend to their children at all times and never leave children unattended
- The door to this space should be closed at all times
- Only those with an approved ONEcard will have access to this space. Those seeking access should contact the office of the Dean of Students at
- All forms of harassment and discrimination, including behaviour that degrades, demeans, humiliates or embarrasses someone that a reasonable person would know is unwelcome will not be tolerated
- All forms of abuse (sexual, physical or psychological), including verbal, in writing or otherwise will not be tolerated
- Parents will respect Library closing times and will depart the Library with their children before closing time Rutherford Library Hours.