Funding Agency Mandates

  • Peer reviewed journal publications, resulting from research funded by Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), or the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), must be made freely accessible to the public via the internet within 12 months of publication. This applies to grants awarded after May 1, 2015.
  • The policy be read in the document Tri-Agency Open Access Policy on Publications

How do I comply?

  • Grant recipients can either publish in OA journals or deposit work in OA repositories.
  • The Libraries' institutional repository can help you comply! See: ERA: Education and Research Archive.

What about international research funders?

  • The US National Institutes of Health (NIH) Public Access Policy requires that its funded investigators deposit their final peer-reviewed manuscripts in PubMed Central, NIH's online digital archive, for free public access within 12 months of journal publication. NIH also allows grant funds to be used to pay journal publication fees.
  • Wellcome Trust, the UK's largest private biomedical research funder, requires grantees to submit an electronic copy of the final manuscripts of their research papers into PubMed Central. It also provides grantholders with additional funding to cover publication fees charged by open access journals.
  • UK Research and Innovation requires open access to funded research.
  • More funder mandates and policy details at: ROARMAP (Registry of Open Access Repository Material Archiving Policies)
  • Search SHERPA/JULIET for funder mandates for open access.