Journal List
- Alternative Francophone
- Annals of Social Studies Education Research for Teachers
- Art/Research International: A Transdisciplinary Journal
- Blue Jay
- Canadian Journal of Emergency Nursing
- Canadian Journal of Family and Youth
- Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology
- Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research / Revue canadienne de recherche sur les OSBL et l'économie sociale
- Canadian Review of Comparative Literature
- Canadian Social Studies
- Constitutional Forum / Forum constitutionnel
- Critical Gambling Studies
- Cultural and Pedagogical Inquiry
- Deakin Review of Children's Literature
- East/West: Journal of Ukrainian Studies
- Éducation francophone en milieu minoritaire
- eLucidate
- Evidence Based Library and Information Practice
- History of Science in South Asia
- Histos
- IASSIST Quarterly
- Imaginations: Revue d'Études Interculturelles de l'Image / Journal of Cross Cultural Image Studies
- International Association of School Librarianship Conference Proceedings
- International Journal of Critical Care (IJCC)
- International Journal of Industrialized Construction
- International Journal of Leadership in Learning
- International Kimberlite Conference Extended Abstracts
- International Review of Information Ethics
- Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship
- Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development
- Journal of Contemporary Issues in Education
- Journal of Hebrew Scriptures
- Journal of Jungian Scholarly Studies
- Journal of Juvenilia Studies
- Journal of Practical Nurse Education and Practice
- Journal of the Canadian Health Libraries Association / Journal de l'Association des bibliothèques de la santé du Canada
- Language and Literacy
- Library and Information Research
- Manitoba Law Journal
- Modular and Offsite Construction Summit Proceedings
- Phenomenology and Practice
- Proceedings of the Annual Conference of CAIS / Actes du congrès annuel de l'ACSI
- Religious and Socio-Political Studies Journal
- Scandinavian Canadian Studies
- School Libraries Worldwide
- Scientia Canadensis
- Socialist Studies / Études Socialistes
- TranscUlturAl
- Vertebrate Anatomy Morphology Palaeontology
- The Wrongful Conviction Law Review
Alternative Francophone endeavours to rethink the concept of francophonie according to the following principles: 1) to envision French as a minor language as opposed to a universal or an exceptional language; 2) to promote fruitful exchanges between francophonies; 3) to develop a francophone postcolonialism; 4) to explore the many cultural and identity configurations produced in the francophone context; 5) to implement a francophonie of resistance in reaction to linguistic and cultural totalitarianisms of any kind.
ASSERT is a practitioner focused research journal. Our mission is to provide practicing K-12 teachers access to key peer-reviewed insights from social studies research written by the researchers who conducted it. Our commitment is that every article published in ASSERT will remain free to all, in perpetuity. Each article in our journal will be published in full, providing a brief summary of the author's scholarly research, their findings, while emphasizing the practical implications for teachers' professional practice and student learning. A companion Q & A, in which the author(s) respond to teacher-generated questions, will accompany each publication. It is our hope that this resource is just what you need to take your teaching to the next level!
Art/Research International is a forum dedicated to exploring and advancing art as and/or within the research process across disciplines and internationally. It offers a space for art/research practitioners: to draw on working examples to discuss challenges, best practices, ethical quandaries, and new directions for the practice of bringing art and research processes together; to discuss and explore methodological ambitions and theoretical or philosophical underpinnings and issues of art/research practices; and to provide insights and critiques of art/research projects of other art/research practitioners - to showcase, support, and comment on the practical work taking place in the field.
Blue Jay, Nature Saskatchewan's renowned journal of conservation and nature, celebrates over sixty years of continuous publication. In Blue Jay you will read about backyard observations, careful and detailed observations of natural events, as well as the results of scientific research. Blue Jay also features poetry and artwork. Blue Jay is a longstanding naturalist publication that allows both scientists and amateurs, to share their research findings and observations of the natural history of Saskatchewan and the Prairie Provinces.
The Canadian Journal of Emergency Nursing (CJEN) is the scholarly publication of the National Emergency Nurses Association of Canada (NENA). It is an open-access bilingual publication to enable a wide readership and help CJEN achieve its objectives. In addition, CJEN serves to keep Canadian Emergency Nurses appraised regarding the significant developments from their national specialty association. Emergency nursing and emergency care is a diverse field that includes, but is not limited to transport, forensic, transport, resuscitation, harm reduction, emergency medicine, paramedicine. CJEN publishes scholarly work in a wide range of topics.
The Canadian Journal of Family and Youth (CJFY), published once a year, is a fully refereed interdisciplinary journal. Responding to the diversification of scholarly interests and regional concerns, the journal will be an outlet for Canadian and comparative scholarship on the hanging dynamics of the family and the social situation of youth.
The Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology is a peer-reviewed journal that welcomes papers on all aspects of educational technology and learning. Topics may include, but are not limited to: learning theory and technology, cognition and technology, instructional design theory and application, online learning, computer applications in education, simulations and gaming, and other aspects of the use of technology in the learning process. Manuscripts may be submitted either in English or in French.
The Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research / Revue canadienne de recherche sur les OSBL et l'économie sociale welcomes a wide range of original submissions in English or French that focus on nonprofit organizations (NPO) and the social economy. Our vision is to embrace a variety of scholarly fields including business and management, public administration, sociology, anthropology, economics, social work, history, law, education, psychology, political science.
The Canadian Journal of Sociology publishes rigorously peer-reviewed research articles and innovative theoretical essays by social scientists from around the world, providing insight into the issues facing Canadian society as well as social and cultural systems in other countries. The journal also features a lively debate/commentary section encouraging the intensive exchange of ideas, along with regular sections such as “Notes on Society” that address topical issues of the day from a social science point of view and “Notes on the Discipline” designed to discuss a variety of issues encountered in the course of the sociological analysis of modern society. Each issue of the journal also has a comprehensive book review section.
The CRCL provides a forum for scholars engaged in the study of literature from both an international and an interdisciplinary point of view. The editors define comparative literature in its broadest sense. The journal publishes articles on the international history of literature, theory of literature, methods of literary scholarship, and the relation of literature with other areas of human expression.
Canadian Social Studies is an indexed, refereed journal published online at the University of Alberta. It is a journal of comment and criticism on social education and publishes articles, book reviews, and "loose threads" on curricular issues relating to social studies, both broadly and narrowly defined (e.g., history, geography, civics, social sciences).
The Constitutional Forum / Forum Constitutionnel provides an important opportunity for interdisciplinary debate and dialogue on constitutional issues. Articles are generally short with insightful commentary on current topics of Canadian and international constitutional importance.
Critical Gambling Studies is an open access, double-blind peer-reviewed journal published bi-annually. We welcome original research and writing from researchers working in established disciplines including: philosophy, psychology, anthropology, sociology, politics, criminology, aesthetics, history, economics, literature, theology, art history and architecture, tourism and leisure studies, public health and law. We are also keen to consider interdisciplinary approaches to gambling research within an activist tradition. Our focus is primarily on research in the humanities and social sciences, but we would be excited to see innovative and accessible work in medicine, life sciences and other disciplines. We are open to any methodological tradition, including: phenomenology; ethnography; meta-analysis and big data analytics; critical race and indigenous studies; conjunctural analysis; experimental studies; survey methods; fieldwork; semiotic analysis; psychoanalysis; political economy; narrative analysis; statistical analysis and quantitative methods; and archival research.
Cultural and Pedagogical Inquiry is an independent, bi-yearly, refereed educational journal that publishes essays, research notes, and book reviews pertaining to the wide and increasingly important intersections of culture, education and the general categories of social and ecological well-being.
The Deakin Review of Children's Literature is an electronic quarterly review of contemporary English-language materials of interest to children and young adults. Of particular use to librarians, parents, teachers and anyone working with young people, we also publish news relevant to children's literacy.
East/West: Journal of Ukrainian Studies is an open access, scholarly, peer-reviewed, online journal, based at the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta
La revue virtuelle éducation francophone en milieu minoritaire vise la diffusion des résultats des travaux de recherche et de réflexion critique sur tous les aspects de l'éducation francophone en milieu minoritaire au Canada et à travers le monde. Elle accepte des textes de chercheurs universitaires et d'étudiants de maîtrise et de doctorat. Elle peut accepter des textes d'auteurs qui oeuvrent dans des milieux autres qu'universitaires si ces textes démontrent une expertise appropriée.
eLucidate is the journal of the UK electronic information Group (UKeiG) and focuses on developments and innovations in digital information considering the impact on information professionals and consumers of e-information. Content includes research articles, project overviews, case studies and reports about K&IM, digital literacy, information retrieval, search technologies, intranets, Open Access/Open Science, e-publishing and e-industry R&D.
EBLIP is an open access, peer reviewed journal that is published quarterly, hosted by the University of Alberta Learning Services, and supported by an international team of editorial advisors. The purpose of the journal is to provide a forum for librarians and other information professionals to discover research that may contribute to decision making in professional practice. EBLIP publishes original research and commentary on the topic of evidence based library and information practice, as well as reviews of previously published research (evidence summaries) on a wide number of topics.
HSSA publishes the latest international research in the history of science in South Asia. Submissions to HSSA are peer-reviewed by senior professionals in the history of science. Authors are not charged any article-processing fee and authors retain the copyright of their work, releasing it under a Creative Commons BY-SA license. HSSA provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public is the most effective way to support the growth of knowledge.
The brief of Histos is rapid publication of high-quality articles and notes on all aspects of ancient historiography and biography (including Jewish historiography, the Gospels and later Christian material) and of in-depth reviews of recent publications in the field. It is not our intention to publish material which is per se historical, unless it illuminates the qualities of ancient historians or biographers (this will be a matter of balance and judgment). All submissions will be anonymously refereed by experts. We aim for a turn-around time of a maximum of three months. We publish in English, French, German, and Italian.
The IASSIST Quarterly is a peer-reviewed, indexed, open access quarterly publication of articles dealing with social science information and data services. IQ represents an international cooperative effort on the part of individuals managing, operating, or using machine-readable data archives, data libraries, and data services. IQ reports on activities related to the production, acquisition, preservation, processing, distribution, and use of machine-readable data carried out by its members and others in the international social science community.
Imaginations is a multilingual, open-access journal of international visual cultural studies. It is published twice yearly and is double-blind peer-reviewed. As a knowledge democracy project, Imaginations is free to submit to and free to read. Founded at the University of Alberta in 2010, the journal is funded by the federal granting agency of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC).
The International Association of School Librarianship hosts an annual conference along with local partners from around the world. Included in the conference is the International Forum on Research in School Librarianship. Previous conference locations can be found at here.
The International Journal of Critical Care (IJCC) is the official Journal of the World Federation of Critical Care Nurses (WFCCN), formerly "Connect- The World of Critical Care Nursing".
IJCC is a peer-reviewed international journal accepting submissions from the global community of critical care. IJCC publishes research reports, systematic reviews, quality improvement and practice development studies, case studies, expert professional opinion statements, editorials and letters to the editor on every aspect of critical care with a focus on research evidence, innovation and improvement of patient outcomes. Critical Care is broadly defined including but not limited to Intensive care, coronary care, cardiothoracic, emergency, trauma, paramedical situations managed by nurses, doctors, pharmacists, other allied health professionals caring for adults, children, and neonates with complex and life-threatening conditions.
IJCC targets a global audience of primarily critical care nurses, other nurses, doctors and allied health care professionals, and nursing and health care students.
The International Journal of Industrialized Construction features leading-edge research on the theory and practice of industrialized construction. Industrialized construction is an innovative approach that capitalizes on manufacturing-based production and advancements in computing, automation, construction planning and management, and materials science. Topics include, but are not limited to, construction 4.0, robotics, simulation, production planning and analysis, design for sustainability, building information modelling, and additive manufacturing.
The International Journal for Leadership in Learning (IJLL) promotes the study and discussion of substantive leadership issues that are of current concern in educational communities and other dynamic workplaces. Preference is given to original research, articles, book reviews, editorials, and commentaries that focus upon leadership and leadership development issues that influence work, learning and development, life, health and wellbeing, and culture in schools, universities, colleges, educational academies, and learning organizations.
Extended abstracts from the International Kimberlite Conference.
The IRIE is the official journal of the International Center for Information Ethics (ICIE). It envisions an international as well as intercultural discussion focusing on the ethical impacts of information technology on human practices and thinking, social interaction, other areas of science and research and the society itself.
The journal seeks to be a general forum for ethical scholarship in this area. It seeks to publish the best available scientific works concerned twice a year in an online edition.
Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship publishes substantive content of interest to science and technology librarians. It serves as a vehicle for sci-tech librarians to share successful initiatives and innovative ideas, and to publish peer-reviewed or board-accepted papers, including case studies, practical applications, theoretical essays, web/bibliographies, and research papers relevant to the functions and operations of science and technology libraries in all settings. Through its columns ISTL also publishes reviews, opinions, and best practices.
JAED's intent is to explore ideas and build knowledge in the field of Indigenous economic development theory and practice. The journal prefers a broad interpretation of research and knowledge and encourages a wide variety of contributions in this area. We want to know what people are doing, what is working, what is not working, and why.
The Journal of Contemporary Issues in Education (JCIE) is an open access, peer reviewed journal that is currently published twice a year. The JCIE is committed to publishing original articles by eminent and emerging scholars that take a critical and interdisciplinary approach on a variety of issues in education from diverse contexts. The journal is open to both field-based research and conceptual and theoretical works; it especially welcomes critical scholarship that aims to contest conventional assumptions about educational and social development contexts and relationships. As such, JCIE accepts for review, previously unpublished articles that include but are not limited to global education, foundations of education (including sociological, philosophical, historical and cultural studies in education), citizenship and human rights education, social justice and related issues in education, specialized curriculum studies topics, policy studies in education and politics of education.
The Journal of Hebrew Scriptures (JHS) is an internationally peer-reviewed, open-access journal established in 1996, to foster scholarly research on the Hebrew Bible, ancient Israel’s history, and cognate fields of study.
The Journal of Jungian Scholarly Studies, published annually since 2005, is an on-line open access journal that supports the development of, and scholarly interest in, Jungian theory. Because Jung's depth psychology is inherently multidisciplinary, the Journal welcomes essays that foster dialogue with our sister disciplines in the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities. These areas include but need not be limited to religion, philosophy, history, culture, myth and fairy tale, literature, art, sculpture, music, film, architecture, neurobiology, biology, physics, chemistry, the environment, gender, sexuality, race, and politics.
The Journal of Juvenilia Studies (JJS) is an open-access, peer-reviewed e-journal that is published annually by the International Society for Literary Juvenilia (ISLJ) and hosted by the University of Alberta Libraries. We publish original scholarly essays on all aspects of juvenilia studies, with a particular focus on literary and visual works of art; we also aim to provide a forum for a broad range of theoretical approaches and methodologies, in order to reflect and contribute to the international and interdisciplinary nature of the field of juvenilia studies. As part of our mandate to support juvenilia studies we also publish, in each issue, reviews of select recent publications and, where appropriate, notices of upcoming conferences and calls for papers. The website maintains a comprehensive list of work produced by scholars in the field.
The Journal of Practical Nurse Education and Practice accepts manuscripts of any length that address original research, original perspectives, knowledge synthesis studies, case studies, policy analysis, as well as book reviews or responses to articles previously published.
The Journal of the Canadian Health Libraries Association / Journal de l'Association des bibliothèques de la santé du Canada (JCHLA / JABSC), formerly known as Bibliotheca Medica Canadiana (BMC), is a triannual publication dedicated to providing a voice for issues and interests shared by Canadian health science librarians and health libraries. Submissions on a wide range of topics will be considered.
Language & Literacy (L&L) is the peer-reviewed journal of the Language and Literacy Researchers of Canada (LLRC) of the Canadian Society for Studies in Education (CSSE) . L&L is an interdisciplinary journal that publishes research related to literacy and language education from pre-school to adulthood.
CILIP's Library and Information Research Group publishes Library and Information Research. It publishes both refereed and non-refereed submissions. Before 2003 the journal was published under the title Library and Information Research News .
The Manitoba Law Journal (MLJ) is a peer-reviewed journal founded in 1961. The MLJ's current mission is to provide lively, independent and high caliber commentary on legal events in Manitoba or events of special interest to our community.
The MOC Summit is a globally distinguished event creating an active platform for idea exchange and communication for leaders and practitioners in modular construction. The MOC Summit brings together academics, engineers, and industry stakeholders, and offers information sessions and presentations encompassing leading-edge research, showcasing best practices in the area of modular and offsite construction and addressing the challenges of industrializing building construction.
Phenomenology and Practice is a refereed, human science journal dedicated to the study of the lived experience of a broad range of human practices.
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Information Science / Actes du congrès annuel de l'association canadienne des sciences de l'information.
This journal publishes research articles and book reviews that are relevant to its primary topic of studying Muslims in Canada. It is an interdisciplinary journal that accepts submissions for annual publications from researchers working in the fields of sociology, education religious studies, history, political science, psychology, and media studies.
Scandinavian-Canadian Studies is a journal published by the AASSC (Association for the Advancement of Scandinavian Studies in Canada). It expresses in concrete—and more recently virtual—form the Association’s conviction that there is much to be learned from peoples of Scandinavia, not least by Canadians, who share a comparable geopolitical situation, not to mention social and cultural values. Articles deal with a wide range of subjects: translation studies, mermaids, multiculturalism, the films of Bergman, Ibsen and other writers, Scandinavian immigration to Canada, Icelandic sagas, and so on. The first volume was published in 1983.
School Libraries Worldwide is the only scholarly journal in the field focused entirely on research and practice in school librarianship on a global level. As the official research journal for the International Association of School Librarianship, SLW supports the mission of its parent organization "the establishment and development of school librarianship in every country in the world." SLW solicits and publishes high-quality research articles from global contributors, building a knowledge-base for international school librarianship. This worldwide perspective enables teacher librarians and school library educators to investigate institutional factors that shape our profession, strengthening the practice of school librarianship throughout the world.
Scientia Canadensis is an open-access peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the history of science, technology, medicine, and environment in Canada. The journal has been publishing research articles and notes, book reviews, and essays since 1984.
TranscUlturAl seeks to contribute to the dialogue between cultures and languages by publishing essays, translations and creative pieces that examine interrelationships between translations and cultures, past and present, in global and local contexts. This includes work that ventures beyond dominant geolinguistic and geocultural spaces, in particular those officially defined as either monolingual or bilingual.
Vertebrate Anatomy Morphology Palaeontology accepts manuscripts detailing anatomical or broader morphological studies on fossil and living vertebrates. Manuscripts describing new species, functional morphology, or phylogenetic analyses using morphological characters are welcome.
Student Journals
- Alberta Academic Review
- Alberta Law Review
- Compass
- Connections: A Journal of Language, Media and Culture
- Constellations
- Crossings: An Undergraduate Arts Journal
- Economics Student Inquiry (ESI)
- Eureka
- Health Science Inquiry
- Intonations
- Invoke
- Movement Matters
- Past Imperfect
- Pathfinder: A Canadian Journal for Information Science Students and Early Career Professionals
- Pathways: University of Saskatchewan Archaeology and Anthropology Graduate Student Journal
- Political Science Undergraduate Review
- Spectrum
- Topophilia: The Human Geography and Planning Student Journal
- Writing across the University of Alberta
The Alberta Academic Review (AAR) is a peer-reviewed academic journal located in Edmonton, Alberta. It serves as a forum for multidisciplinary academic debate and discussion. The AAR seeks to serve as a record of graduate and undergraduate academic work, with a foremost focus on work produced by students in Alberta.
The Alberta Law Review (ALR) is a student-run publication whose primary purpose is to enhance discourse on Canadian legal issues. Founded in 1955, the ALR is published by the Alberta Law Review Society, an organization consisting of law students at the University of Alberta and the University of Calgary. Built upon the hard work of student editors at both law faculties, the ALR is published every quarter and has roughly 1,000 pages per volume.
Compass is published annually as collaboration between the Association of Graduate Anthropology Students (AGAS) and the Department of Anthropology at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Formerly Diversipede, our student-run publication allows undergraduate and graduate students to share their work and ideas, creating a platform for discussion and knowledge. Submissions consist of original ongoing research, reviews of current anthropological issues, and anything related to an anthropological interest from any of the sub-fields. We welcome multi-media projects that may include audiovisual components, GIS or other 3D modelling, in addition to more traditional print materials.
Connections is an annual academic publication led by the graduate students from the Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies at the University of Alberta. Established in 2019, this journal seeks to showcase innovative and interdisciplinary research that either challenges or reimagines normative approaches to applied linguistics, translation, comparative literature, media, and cross-cultural studies. Connections is committed to elevating the scholarly and creative voices of students engaged in research that crosses geographical, disciplinary, and political boundaries. Ultimately, this publication calls on authors to map the connections, wherever they may be.
Constellations is the University of Alberta's longest running student-run, student-written, and student reviewed academic journal. We strive to provide a forum for young historians and clasissists to engage in the peer-review process and gain experience in the world of academic publishing. Constellations publishes premier work and research from all faculties that takes a historiographical approach to its topic of interest.
Crossings is the Organization for Arts Students and Interdisciplinary Studies (OASIS)’s attempt to encourage the development of research skills and academic interests in Arts students. The collection of articles that will compose the journal will be submitted by undergraduate Arts students who have received at least a B+/A- in the respective submissions.
The Economics Student Inquiry is a journal of the University of Alberta Economics Students' Association (ESA). The ESI provides undergraduate and graduate students a platform to publish their research in economics, making their research accessible to a broader audience.
Eureka is a student-founded and student-run initiative. This journal offers undergraduate scientists the unique opportunity to share their discoveries with the scientific world through the peer review process. Eureka is an educational institution, with a diverse team of reviewers from many scientific backgrounds, exposing undergraduate students to the publication process often excluded from their traditional scientific education. Through clear and effective scientific writing, students will be able to work together with faculty members to contribute original research and promote science.
Our mission is to support and promote quality peer-reviewed research by undergraduate scientists.
Health Science Inquiry is a student-run, annual online publication that seeks to publish the views and thoughts of Canadian graduate students and post-doctoral fellows on pertinent issues in the health sciences. Our group includes student members from universities all across Canada. We publish our journal once a year, with each issue framed around a specific theme.
The mission of Health Science Inquiry (HSI) is to facilitate discourse among Canadian graduate students on global health issues. HSI presents an annual publication comprised of high quality articles written by graduate students and some of Canada’s most talented scientists on pertinent health issues facing society. Through its initiatives, HSI fosters the development of emerging scientists.
Intonations, an online peer-reviewed graduate student journal launched in 2019, is a joint project between the Department of Music, Department of Drama and the Department of Art and Design. The journal strives for an interdisciplinary focus both within the various domains of the Fine Arts and across other academic fields in the arts, humanities, and sciences. The objective of the journal is to promote multidisciplinary collaboration and to encourage dialogue between different modes of scholarly, artistic, disciplinary and professional engagement with a particular focus on the intersections of theory and artistic practice in various domains of the fine arts, humanities, and sciences. Our goal is to promote the work of current scholars and practitioners by generating dialogue, mutual understanding, and innovation, both locally and internationally.
Invoke is an undergraduate Sociology journal. The focus and scope of the journal comprises anything sociological, that is presenting scholarly research with a sociological perspective. This does not completely exclude perspectives of other disciplines; sociology is a very broad and overlapping field and submissions with overlapping perspectives will be accepted.
Movement Matters is affiliated with the field of kinesiology and more specifically, its subdiscipline of the socio-cultural studies of physical activity. Published articles are expected to cover such topical areas as coaching, dance, exercise, leisure, and sport. Within these areas there is broad scope to submit articles on, for example, the coach-athlete relationship, dance research creation, dance/exercise/sport participation and/or performance, learning and teaching dance/exercise/sport, physical skill learning, exercise sociology, issues on body-image and physical activity, socio-cultural research on injuries and medical care in physical activity, identity politics and physical activity.
Past Imperfect is the journal of the History and Classics Graduate Students' Association (HCGSA) at the University of Alberta. Edited by students and funded by the HCGSA and the Department of History and Classics at the University of Alberta, it is an annual publication. Articles appearing in Past Imperfect are abstracted in America: History and Life and Historical Abstracts.
Pathfinder is a student-led, open access journal dedicated to promoting the scholarly work of students and early career information professionals from across Canada. Based at the University of Alberta, issues are published once a year and are peer-reviewed.
Pathfinder welcomes original scholarship in the fields of library science, information studies, and archives from current Canadian LIS or archival students, library tech students, and early career professionals (individuals that graduated from information science programs within 2 years).
Pathways: University of Saskatchewan Archaeology and Anthropology Graduate Student Journal is run by the U of S Department Archaeology and Archaeology Graduate Students' Association (ARCHAIA) and provides a medium by which to activate the conversations that we graduate students have within our classes to showcase the admirable work that is being done throughout our department. We also aim to provide opportunities for professional development to better prepare our graduates for futures in academia or in the professional realm. We promote original research, review articles, book reviews, high-reaching class papers, commentaries, plain writing summaries of theses, photo essays, and other multimedia submissions from graduate or senior undergraduate students. These works will focus on the four fields of anthropology and contribute to ongoing conversations of scholarship and collaboration. We welcome submissions from students studying at the University of Saskatchewan and beyond.
The Political Science Undergraduate Review (PSUR) is a peer-reviewed journal publishing scholarly work done by University of Alberta undergraduates in the field of political science. We have two objectives: to give undergraduate students a chance to have their scholarly work published and recognized and to involve students in the process of peer-review. Our mission is to publish one journal a year to give students the opportunity to publish some of their written work -- a beneficial asset when applying to grad school or future job opportunities. We encourage all students, especially those who have never published before, to submit work they want to share. Published by the Political Science Undergraduate Association of the University of Alberta.
Spectrum is a student run, collaborative undergraduate research journal that is committed to producing thought-provoking, insightful and dynamic interdisciplinary content. Through this journal, we strive to represent the individual perspectives of our writers, and authentically communicate both their academic and creative works to our readers. We seek to create an open-minded journal with a focus on connecting our readers with all areas of study and new methods of inquiry, from the liberal arts to the natural sciences.
Topophilia: The Human Geography and Planning Student Journal is an opportunity for students to showcase their work and research. The journal accepts work from 300-level or higher courses (any discipline) with a grade of A- (80%) or higher. The objective of the journal is not only to showcase high quality work, but to also share valuable information gathered by students with their community. Topophilia will be displayed in locations across Edmonton to be read by all. It will be published once per regular school year.
Writing across the University of Alberta (WAUA) publishes undergraduate student writing from writing studies courses and courses focused on writing studies practices and scholarship at the University of Alberta. Texts explore any topic of interest to the discipline of writing studies and to work in writing studies courses. The journal is edited and published by instructors and students in writing studies courses at the University of Alberta.
Mount Royal University Journal System
- Ancient Lanka
- Behavioural Sciences Undergraduate Journal
- Convergences francophones
- El texto hispanoamericano / The Spanish American Text [archived]
- Experiences in Spanish-English Translation / Experiencias de traducción español-inglés
- Imagining SoTL
- Journal of the Academy of Forensic Nursing
- Mount Royal Undergraduate Education Review
- Mount Royal Undergraduate Humanities Review
Ancient Lanka is a collaboratively peer reviewed and collaboratively edited open access publication that explores Sri Lanka’s past. Following a flexible publication frequency Ancient Lanka uses a multidisciplinary approach in its development of content that is of interest to academics and the general public. Invited reports on excavations, surveys, material and commentary related to reconstructing the past of Sri Lanka are considered for publication.
The BSUJ is a peer-reviewed, open-access, undergraduate journal focused in the behavioural sciences. Our mission reflects the learning of scientific principles, research integrity, publishing process, and constructive collaboration at foundational levels.
Pluridisciplinaire et axée sur un champ de recherche francophone, la revue s’attache plus particulièrement aux domaines de la littérature, de l’histoire culturelle, de la traduction et des études de communication.
El texto hispanoamericano/The Spanish American text publishes essays on topics of Spanish American Literature, written in Spanish by undergraduate students following courses offered by the Spanish Program at Mount Royal University.
This refereed journal showcases quality translations produced by undergraduate students of the Spanish
program at Mount Royal University. Most students take two courses in Translation that provide foundational
preparation in the theory, methodology and practice of professional translation.
Esta revista digital editada por traductores profesionales tiene como objetivo publicar traducciones originales
y de calidad realizadas por estudiantes del programa de Español de Mount Royal University. La mayoría de los
estudiantes toman dos cursos de Traducción que se centran en la teoría, metodología y práctica de la traducción
Imagining SoTL: Selections from the Banff Symposium (IS), an open access publication, stems from the annual Symposium for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), hosted by Mount Royal University’s Mokakiiks Centre for SoTL.
The focus of this journal is to highlight scholarship relevant to forensic nursing and allied forensic professionals. There is an emphasis on understanding the quality of the evidence underlying our practice. We also highlight work of the Academy of Forensic Nursing including the Journal club, Policy Committee, Ethics Committee and Research Committee. A value of the organization is to mentor professionals in conduct and dissemination of quality scholarship through our activities, including this journal.
The Mount Royal Undergraduate Education Review focuses on the academic journey of teacher candidates in Mount Royal University’s Bachelor of Education program. The journal will be published twice a year.
Archived Journals
These journals are not actively publishing with the University of Alberta Library, but we have archived their back issues and will continue to make that content openly accessible.
- aboriginal policy studies
- The Agora: Political Science Undergraduate Journal
- Asper Review of International Business and Trade Law
- Axis Mundi
- Canadian Journal of Applied Research
- Canadian Journal of Sociology
- Canadian Journal of University Continuing Education
- Complicity: An International Journal of Complexity and Education
- Finno-Ugric Studies Association of Canada: Conference Proceedings
- Fonds d'Archives
- International Electronic Journal for Leadership in Learning
- International Journal for Leadership in Learning
- Journal of Professional Continuing and Online Education
- JUST Research: Journal of Undergraduate Science and Technology Research
- The Lyceum
- Multilingual Discourses
- Phenomenology and Pedagogy
- Spaces Between: An Undergraduate Feminist Journal
aboriginal policy studies is an online, peer-reviewed and multidisciplinary journal that, on a bi-annual basis, publishes original, scholarly, and policy relevant research on issues relevant to Métis, non-status Indians and urban Aboriginal peoples in Canada.
La revue Études des politiques des Autochtones est une publication en ligne pluridisciplinaire et évaluée par les pairs qui, deux fois par année, publie des recherches originales, érudites et relatives à la politique sur des sujets touchant les Métis, les Indiens non inscrits et les peuples autochtones vivants en milieu urbain au Canada.
The Agora: Political Science Undergraduate Journal is an online peer reviewed journal that publishes scholarly work done by undergraduates in the field of political science. We have two objectives: to give undergraduate students a chance to have their scholarly work published and recognized and to involve students in the process of peer-review.
The Asper Review of International Business and Trade Law provides reviews and articles on developments in the areas of international trade, business, & economy.
Axis Mundi Journal of Religious Studies is an online journal edited and maintained by Religious Studies graduate students at the University of Alberta. We accept contributions from students in any year of study—undergraduate and graduate—from universities and colleges across North America. We encourage submissions pertaining to any aspect of the academic study of religion.
Axis Mundi is sponsored by the University of Alberta Religious Studies Program and affiliated with the UofA Religious Studies Graduate Students Society (RSGSS).
The Canadian Journal of Applied Research aims to provide a sampling of the best applied scholarly research conducted by Royal Roads University graduates. Authors published in the Canadian Journal of Applied Research are passionate about sustainability, innovation, and leadership in practical and participatory research. As an e-journal, the Canadian Journal of Applied Research provides open access to regional stakeholders, community agencies, and professional populations, with the goal of making applied research more visible and increasing the dissemination and knowledge outside the academic world.
The Canadian Journal of University Continuing Education was published from 1995-2016 with two primary objectives. The first was to advance and disseminate knowledge by publishing analytical and research papers, reports, reviews, and commentaries of value to professional practice in continuing education in general, and university continuing education in particular. The second was to encourage dialogue about continuing education within and among relevant professional and academic communities. [This title is ARCHIVED: Continues as Journal of Professional Continuing and Online Education.]
Complicity is an open access (free to all readers), peer-reviewed journal that publishes original articles on all aspects of education that are informed by the idea of complexity (in its technical, applied, philosophical, theoretical, or narrative manifestations). The journal strives to serve as a forum for both theoretical and practical contributions and to facilitate the exchange of diverse ideas and points of view related to complexity in education.
FUSAC/ACEFO, a Canadian scholarly organization, aims to promote the advancement of all aspects of Finno-Ugric studies in Canada: anthropology, archaeology, economics, ethnic studies, folklore, history, linguistics, literature, migration, music, political science, sociology, and other disciplines.
Fonds d'Archives is an online, open access, scholarly journal published by the Archives Society of Alberta. The journal is devoted to the archives profession and explores all aspects of archival practice, including but not limited to appraisal, arrangement, description, access, outreach and preservation. Fonds d'Archives is particularly focused on archival issues from practical, working-level perspectives or theoretical explorations with demonstrated praxis.
JPCOE is an open access refereed academic and professional journal that uses a continuous publication model. Its readers include scholars, program planners, instructional designers, facilitators, instructors, senior university administrators, and others involved in online, professional and continuing education. Although funded and supported by the Canadian Association for University Continuing Education, publications by international authors are welcomed. Articles that work within a broad understanding of diverse learners are of particular interest. Papers may focus on learning for credit as well as non-credit learning. Other papers targeting employment needs, online learning, community education, community engagement, personal development, and professional development are also of interest.
We are a newly founded student journal at the University of Alberta looking to feature work done by undergraduate students in science and engineering. We aim to give students experience publishing, allow for students to build off the work that others have done, and to encourage the sharing of ideas.
The Lyceum is an undergraduate academic journal/digest focused on political debate from all views of the spectrum. An interdisciplinary journal, the Lyceum will feature full academic articles in addition to brief, precise written debates concerning the topics of the day most critical to the times and to their importance in furthering political awareness on the U of A campus.
Multilingual Discourses is a peer-reviewed journal established in the Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies to support a multidisciplinary research exchange amongst graduate students in different areas such as cultural studies, linguistics, literature, translation and more. Our vision includes encouraging academic growth of graduate research within and outside the university and seeking out innovative and vibrant points of view that explore the relationships and points of intersection amongst different aspects of culture and language. Although publications from academics of all backgrounds are highly appreciated, we see the graduate research community as our main audience and invite works that address and share its interests.
Journal of Phenomenology and Pedagogy.
Spaces Between is a student-run, student-written, peer reviewed undergraduate journal. This publication is a forum for undergraduate students to publish their work in Women's and Gender Studies as well as feminist research and writing within other disciplines. Spaces Between is wide in scope: we welcome research and writing that critically engages with gender, sexuality, race, class, (dis)ability, nation, imperialism, (de)colonization, and globalization.
Transferred Journals
These journals have been transferred to a different publisher, but their back issues will remain openly accessible.
- Canadian Studies in Population [ARCHIVES], now published by Springer
- International Journal of Qualitative Methods [ARCHIVES], now published by Sage
- Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences [ARCHIVES], now published by Frontiers
Canadian Studies in Population has a broad interest in substantive and technical demography and related fields of study. While Canadian Studies in Population will continue to emphasize Canadian content, the editorial board encourages manuscript submissions from all sectors of the international community.
The International Journal of Qualitative Methods is the peer-reviewed interdisciplinary open access journal of the International Institute for Qualitative Methodology (IIQM) at the University of Alberta, Canada. The journal was established in 2002 as an eclectic and international forum for papers reporting original methodological insights, study design innovations, and funded-project proposals using qualitative or mixed methods research that are useful to the global research community.
The Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (JPPS), the first OPEN ACCESS in the field established in 1998, is the official journal of the Canadian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences (CSPS). JPPS is a broad-spectrum, peer-reviewed, international pharmaceutical journal circulated electronically via the World Wide Web. Articles are published with no page charge.