Digital Preservation Services

As a trusted steward of the scholarly record, the University of Alberta Library (UAL) is committed to preserving the digital content of enduring value for long-term access. UAL’s digital preservation initiatives exhibit a commitment towards undertaking digital preservation activities to the best of its ability and with the explicit goal of ensuring long-term access of the digital assets under its stewardship. UAL offers numerous services to address the digital preservation needs of the university community.

Digital Repository Services

UAL develops and supports digital repository infrastructure for access and preservation of born-digital materials. Our repositories include:

  • ERA: Education & Research Archive, the University of Alberta's institutional repository
  • Aviary, An audiovisual digital curation platform
  • Dataverse, a data repository that helps researchers publish, analyze, distribute and share their data and datasets

For more information about our different digital repository services, please visit:

Digital Preservation Consultation Services

UAL provides consultation services to aid with digital preservation related activities. These services include advice and guidance for preserving digital content and guidelines about the creation of digital content suitable for long-term preservation.

About Our Digital Preservation Strategies:

Collaborative Preservation Efforts:

UAL is an active partner in several collaborative preservation efforts including: