Organize My Data

Prepare my Data Management Plan (DMP)

A data management plan (DMP) will:

  • define the steps you need to manage your data
  • strengthen your research ethics application
  • ensure you follow funder and journal requirements
  • clarify what you need for longer-term data management
  • give your data a longer lifespan and strengthen your research process

Data Management Plan (DMP) Consultation

Consulting with Libraries' staff can be arranged anytime during the data management lifecycle:

Protect Your Data

The Office of the Vice Provost (Information Technology) states, "Data protection and safeguards must be implemented in a manner that is commensurate with its value and sensitivity." If you have confidential data you should consider data encryption. A computer is vulnerable to physical security and may be stolen or hacked.

Use a secure environment to share selected research data with individuals and/or groups; Dataverse provides remote, secure backup to your data. Using a free cloud service such as Dropbox is not recommended.