Creating or Adapting OER

Creating OER

Open Education Alberta is a collaborative, no-fee publishing service for open textbooks and other OER using the Pressbooks platform. This service is available to all Alberta post-secondary institutions.

Explore the catalogue to see examples of published works. If you are interested in accessing Pressbooks through Open Education Alberta to create your own resource, please contact library publishing.

Other platforms for creating OER
  • REBUS Community Collaborative platform for creating open textbooks; join Rebus Community to participate. Free.
  • Scalar Free, open source authoring and publishing platform for long-form, born-digital scholarship online.
  • Open Author - OER Commons Build and publish Open Educational Resources, lesson plans, and courses. Free.
  • MERLOT Content Builder Create free account and login to access Create Materials.
  • Wikibooks Wiki-based platform for creating simple web content in textbook form. Free.
Supplementary resources for Creating OER

Adapting OER

It isn’t necessary to create a resource from scratch; one of the wonderful things about OER is the ability to revise or remix something previously published. If you are interested in cloning and adapting an existing OER you can contact library publishing for more information.

Supplementary resources for Adapting OER

Modifying an Open Textbook: What You Need to Know (Open Education Network)

The Other Platforms section on this page was derived from Elizabeth Yates' Open Educational Resources guide, under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.

creative commons license
Content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.