Community Expectations at the University of Alberta Library

Welcome! The Library is here to support you. We know that everyone uses the library for different reasons and in different ways. In keeping with the Library’s Vision and Priorities, we provide open and responsive services, collections, and spaces to meet the needs of our user communities.

We will:

  • respect all library users and commit to working with you to maintain a culture of scholarship, open academic inquiry, respect, tolerance, and inclusivity in a safe and secure environment.
  • provide equitable access to a diverse range of library materials and services.
  • provide space for research, collaborative and interactive learning, and quiet, personal study.
  • respond to issues that arise in the library in collaboration with campus partners such as ONEcard, Student Connect, Facilities & Operations, University of Alberta Protective Services, etc.
  • collaborate with other libraries across Alberta and beyond to support you in your research and information needs.
  • protect each library user’s right to privacy and confidentiality with respect to information sought or received and resources consulted, borrowed, acquired or transmitted, in alignment with the American Library Association’s Code of Ethics and that of the Canadian Federation of Library Association’s Code of Ethics.

We expect you to:

  • support a culture of scholarship, open academic inquiry, respect, tolerance, and inclusivity.
  • respect the comfort and safety of fellow library users and library staff. If your behaviour is making others feel unsafe or uncomfortable, we’ll communicate with you about the impact of your behaviour to resolve the situation.
  • respect that use of our collections is based on principles of sharing and equity of access.
  • comply with all University and University Library policies including those listed below, and Edmonton, Provincial, and National laws, including Copyright Law and publisher licensing restrictions. It is your responsibility to ensure that you use our electronic collections (e.g. databases, ejournals) for individual, non-commercial educational or research purposes only, and that you do not systematically download or retain substantial portions of information.
  • ask us for help and bring any questions or concerns to our attention.

If you are not meeting our expectations, we will let you know. If we’re not meeting yours, please let us know.