Photography and Video Policy

In keeping with its mission to advance teaching, learning and research by providing access to our collections, services, spaces and expertise, the University of Alberta Library (UAL) is committed to providing an environment that is conducive to individual and collaborative study and research, and protects the privacy of our user community.

The following policy governs the taking of photos and videos in public and private spaces at all UAL locations, as well as their use.

Permitted, Consent Required
Permitted, No Consent Required
Not Permitted
UA Faculty, Staff and Students Photos and videos of individuals in UAL spaces for educational, marketing and advertising purposes.

Photographers and videographers must have individuals complete the Disclosure of Personal Information Consent (Photographs, Videotapes and Audiotapes) form and provide Authorization to Reproduce Name / Physical Likeness / Voice and or Image / Student Work For Educational, Marketing and Advertising Purposes.
Photos and videos taken by UAL users in the library, such as informal graduation photos, is allowed as long as it is not disruptive to other library users and the photos taken are solely for personal use. No consent forms are required.

Photos and videos of UAL public events and programs are permitted and can be used for educational, marketing and advertising purposes. UAL staff will provide a minimum of 24 hours advance notice to users via signage in the event areas. No consent forms are required.
Organized, posed group photos and/or videos, such as wedding pictures, and staged film shoots are not permitted.

Photo/video activity which blocks building entrances, passages and staircases, or that requires the use of special lighting or reflectors.

Unauthorized photos and/or videos of UAL staff offices or processing/storage areas.
News Media & Public Requests to take photos and videos intended for use in the news media should be directed to University of Alberta Media Relations. Visit the Filming Requests page to request permission for commercial photography or videography.

For more information about use of photos, images, and logos on the University of Alberta Library's website and social media channels, please see the U of A Library Re-use and Attribution Statement. For information about taking photos of materials in Bruce Peel please see Peel’s photography policies.

For additional information about photography and videography at the University of Alberta, please check out Guidelines on Collection, Use and Disclosure of Photographs, Video and Audio Recordings, and Broadcasting of Live Events