University of Alberta Library Policies
Our Mission, Vision + Priorities
The University of Alberta Library creates a dynamic Library that is essential for every researcher, teacher, and learner at the University of Alberta.
Learn more about Our Priorities + Strategic Goals »
Collection Development
University of Alberta Library supports the University's teaching and research functions, and provides information resources for the University community as well as the general public. As the repository of one of the major Canadian research collections, we also serve the needs of regional, national and international communities. University of Alberta Library acquires materials appropriate for both current and future research or teaching needs at the University of Alberta.
Access to Library Electronic Resources
The University of Alberta Library licenses a wide range of electronic journals, ebooks, research databases, streaming audio and video, and many other types of eresources from commercial vendors.
Learn more about Access to Library Electronic Resources »
Community Expectations
We know that everyone uses the library for different reasons and in different ways. In keeping with the Library’s Vision and Priorities, we provide open and responsive services, collections, and spaces to meet the needs of our user communities.