Research Data Centre Services
The University of Alberta Research Data Centre presently has five Windows workstations and one Mac workstation. The workstations can be booked for morning (8:30 AM - Noon) or afternoon (1:00 PM to 4:30 PM) sessions. It is advisable to book ahead, to ensure avaliablity, by contacting the Analyst by phone or email.
Avaliable Software
There are a number of software packages installed on the Workstations at the Research Data Centre. For questions regarding the software, or to request an additional software program please contact the
RDC analyst.
List of Software
- Multi-purpose Statistical Systems
- SAS version 9.2
- PASW Statistics version 17 (formerly SPSS)
- Stata MP version 11
- R version 2.1.1
- Special Purpose Statistics Systems
- Special Sampling/Variance Estimation System
- WesVar version 5.1
- SUDAAN version 10
- Statistical Modeling Systems
- M-Plus version 2.01
- S-Plus version 8
- LISREL version 8.5
- HLM version 5.04
- Special Sampling/Variance Estimation System
As well as the statisical packages Microsoft Office 2007 and Adobe Acrobat reader are also avaliable on the workstations to assist in research.
As a security requirement no workstation has internet access and researchers are prohibited from bring in outside computers. Researchers wishing to bring in outside documents or syntax should email these documents as an attachment to the RDC, or bring them on a USB stick to be placed into the researchers account by the Analyst