Library Collections Project FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions about the Library Collections Project

Frequently Asked Questions about the Rehab Med Classroom Renovation

How long will the collections redistribution project take?

The project to redistribute books was completed on January 25, 2024.

Why have books been taken out of the Augustana Library?

Low-use titles within the Augustana Library have been redistributed within the library system to make room for new classroom space (to be used by Rehabilitation Medicine master’s programs). Only low-use titles have been redistributed.

Are redistributed titles still accessible?

All redistributed titles are still accessible through the University of Alberta Library (UAL) system, findable in the catalogue and can have holds placed on them to be picked up at the same Augustana Library.

As one of Canada’s largest research libraries, UAL takes the preservation of our print collections very seriously. One print copy of every unique title within our collection has been retained.

Where have redistributed titles gone?

A majority of items have gone to the Research & Collections Resource Facility (RCRF). At least one print copy of each title has been retained. Duplicate titles were sent to the Internet Archive, where those books are being digitized to become available electronically.

What titles have been redistributed?

Only low-use titles. No titles newer than 15 years old were redistributed to RCRF. The average publication year for an item redistributed from Augustana is 1980. Additionally, 95.4% of redistributed titles have never been checked out according to UAL circulation records. Older items may have circulated before Augustana was integrated with the University of Alberta and started using the UAL catalogue in 2004.

Where has the reference collection on the main level gone?

Materials in the reference section have been relocated within the Augustana Library and UAL to make room for new study spaces for students.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Rehab Med Classroom Renovation

When will construction in the library take place?

Construction of the new classrooms will start between March 4-13, 2024, with walls being put up around the space that will be renovated in the lower level of the library. Due to active construction, the walled-off areas will not be accessible by the public.

Construction is targeting completion in August 2024.

Will the Library still be accessible during construction?

Yes. Signage will be posted in areas where construction will be happening, but the rest of the library will still be accessible.

Will the library bathrooms be accessible during construction?

The main floor bathrooms will still be accessible during construction. The lower level bathrooms will not be accessible from March 4, 2024, until construction completes.

Are the library study rooms accessible during construction?

While study rooms on the lower level will be inaccessible (with some being turned into classroom space), study rooms on the main floor of the library can still be used.

Will there be new study spaces to replace the spaces being turned into classrooms?

New study space options will become available in Fall 2024 on the main floor of the library to replace any study spaces turned into classroom spaces and to keep the seating capacity of the library the same.

Will any other spaces on campus be inaccessible during construction?

The smoking area behind the library will be inaccessible during construction. Instead, please utilize the other smoking areas on campus:

  • South of the Facilities & Operations building
  • East of the cafeteria staff entrance by picnic tables
  • Specified areas outside the Jeanne & Peter Lougheed Performing Arts Centre
  • Parking lots
  • Gazebo (also designated for cannabis use)

Will the construction be loud?

There will be disruptions at times. We will attempt to provide notice of any loud construction happening in the space to Augustana students, staff and faculty prior to when it is scheduled for their awareness and planning. We appreciate our community’s understanding that the construction schedules may have to adapt unexpectedly due to material changes, weather, etc.

Will construction happen during finals?

This project will require continuous work in order to meet the tight completion timeline. However, we have provided the construction team with the dates for scheduled exams so they can minimize the impact of noise where possible.

If it’s loud in the library during construction, where can I study?

The second floor of Founders’ Hall has various workstations that can be used. Additionally, the Student Academic Services office has couches and areas to study in, as does wahkohtowin Lodge. There are also many study space options for students who are living in residence. Earplugs are also available at the Library Service Desk for anyone who requests them.

From April 24-26, 7 a.m. - 10 p.m., the Chapel is available to use as a quiet study space. For April 26 - 30, C-115 in the Classroom Building has been booked for exam study space for students to use, Monday - Friday, 7 a.m. to 9 p.m..

Why was the library chosen for where to add classroom space?

There are a few reasons:

  • The space has its own entrances/exits as well as elevator access, ensuring classrooms will be accessible for all users. The space also allows the library to maintain their own hours/security needs along with that of a classroom space.
  • Selecting this space results in the least disruption possible for classes occurring in the 2023-24 academic year.
  • There has been a major transition in the function of libraries over the past few years, including a major restructuring of library space with the availability of online resources and more library materials stored in compact storage areas rather than traditional shelving units. More frequently, libraries are being transitioned to social spaces and technology hubs rather than resource rooms.
  • The Augustana Library was originally designed to accommodate a student body of approximately 2,000 students. Even after construction of the new classrooms, the library will still be able to support growth of the student population by increasing the optimization of the overall space.
  • These reasons made the space the best option for the ways that it addresses accessibility and security and optimizes the space according to how individuals currently use library spaces while still accommodating future growth plans.

How much of the library is being turned into classroom space?

Only a portion of the lower level of the library. The renovation floor plan is available for reference.

These Frequently Asked Questions will continue to be updated as the renovation project progresses. Any questions you may have about this project can be sent to Last updated on February 26, 2024.