University of Alberta Student Library Advisory Committee - Terms of Reference

September 11, 2014 [Updated on November, 3, 2021]

Purpose and Goals:

The overall goal of the University of Alberta Student Library Advisory Committee is to enhance library services to better meet evolving student needs and improve students’ experience of the library. It meets to ensure effective communication and engagement between students and the University of Alberta Library. The Committee serves as a think tank, providing the Library with feedback and input on specific issues, including Library services, communication channels, and Library policies and programs. Library staff seek to engage with students to identify student issues, interests, opinions, and suggestions. Students serve as a link between their campus communities and the Library.

Committee Membership:

The Committee is open to all currently-enrolled students from across all three campuses. Student members will include:

  • One appointed student representative from the Students’ Union (SU): Vice-President Academic
  • One appointed student representative from the Graduate Students’ Association (GSA): GSA Counsellor at Large
  • One appointed student representative from the International Student Advisory Council (ISAC)
  • A minimum of 10 student Members-at-Large representing a broad cross-section of Faculties, Campuses, and years of study, undergraduate and graduate level (preferably one grad rep from each of the Tri-Committee areas), including at least one rep from Augustana and/or CSJ.

Librarian members will include:

  • 1 Librarian (Head, Information Services & User Engagement) ongoing, and 1 Librarian, rotating every two years, as Co-Chairs
  • 1 Associate University Librarian for Information Services & User Engagement (ex-officio)
  • Members of library staff as agenda warrants

Student Expectations:

  • Commit to a membership term from September to April. No term limits.
  • Commit to a minimum of two to three meetings per term. Meetings will be held online until further notice. (Any future in-person meetings may be attended online by reps who are not located in Edmonton.)
  • Actively participate in discussions and projects and have your ideas and concerns heard. Look for opportunities to improve the University of Alberta Library and communicate the needs of students to Library administration.
  • Share new knowledge about library services with your campus communities. A key role of the student association representatives is to provide two-way communication between their student groups and SLAC.
  • Participate in and/or help to recruit students for any focus groups or use studies that may arise.
  • Student governance reps bring questions, suggestions, concerns from SU /GSA/ISAC, and report back to SU/GSA/ISAC.

Operating Policies:

  • Meetings: 2 or 3 per term, for a total of 5 or 6 per academic year. Additional meetings may be called if required. Meetings will be held online until further notice. (Any future in-person meetings may be attended online by reps who are not located in Edmonton. Meetings will last 60-90 minutes.)
  • Co-Chairs: Two UAL Librarians. 1 ongoing, 1 rotating with 2 year term.
  • Agendas: One Co-Chair calls for agenda items from all members.
  • Notes: notes will be taken at every meeting by one of the Co-Chairs. All meeting notes will be publicly available.
  • Librarian co-chairs will report to Library’s Strategic Leadership Team and will provide updates to other Library Committees as appropriate.
  • Liaison with other campus student advisory committees.

If you have questions, please contact one of the Co-Chairs, Angie Mandeville at or Lindsay Johnston at